Materi 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1

  • Posted by wendiz on 2020-08-14 01:35:34
SDN Suryakencana CBM - Materi 4 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1

Tugas 4 kls 6 Semester 1

Isi titik titik dibawah ini di buku tulis jawabanya saja kemudian fotokan dan kirim ke WA Pa Emu paling lambat 5 hari dari sekarang.
1.what is the English of didepan ?
2.what is the Indonesian of between ?
3.what is the English of tenggara?
4. The direction between north west and north east is....
5. The opposite direction of north west is....
6. The sun rises is in the ...
7. What is the capital city of south Sumatra ?
8. Bandung is the capital city of ... java.
9. Arrange this jumbled words into good sentence ! East - is - Surabaya - java - in .
10. Translate into Indonesian ! The library is behind of the canteen.


Selamat Belajar

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